Misted Window Replacement & Blown Double Glazing Repair
Misted Window? Your Blown Double Glazed Unit Is Due To A Failed Seal, You Just Need A Glass Replacement Service!
By far the biggest advancement in double glazing over the last 20 years has been in the double glazed units themselves. Whilst the Upvc profile and hardware has pretty much remained unchanged, the latest developments in energy efficient glass specification, reduces the heat lost through a double glazed unit by up to 75%, which can result in a 20% reduction in your energy costs.
Of course this benefit is greatly reduced if you have a blown unit, because broken double glazing seal will be wasting your heat day by day. Often you'll only notice that your double glazing unit has failed when condensation gathers inside the windows panes and the unit becomes misted.
Our thermally insulated double glazed units differ in three major areas compared to a standard glass unit. Firstly, the inner pane of glass has a neutral colour heat reflective coating applied to the surface, reflecting the heat back in to your home.
Secondly, traditional double glazed units are filled with air between the panes. In our thermally insulated double glazed units, we replace the air with argon gas, which has far superior insulating properties to air.
Finally, we replace the cold aluminium spacer bar (The trim inside the unit), with a thermal spacer bar, which helps prevent window condensation forming, and avoiding a misted, foggy view through your window.
Failed or Broken down double glazing is unsightly and in most cases replacement entirely preventable. Double glazing can and will last 30+ years if installed correctly, but for a few common reasons, your double glazing can become misted once the unit becomes blown.
Misted double glazing windows are double or triple glazed sealed units that have excess moisture trapped in the cavity between the panes of glass. This is caused where there is a breach in the hermetic seal (airtight seal) around the edge of the sealed unit allowing moist air to enter the inside of the window over a period of days, weeks or months.
Every replacement double glazing glass we install, we will explore the probable cause of the failed seal to prevent repeat issues. Our window replacement engineers are extensively trained to rectify these problems whilst installing the replacement double glazing. More information on why double glazed units fail, can be found in our FAQ'S page.
When the temperature rises the moist air trapped within the double glazing condensates and over a period of time gives a white cloudy effect which to the eye is irritating and unsightly.
Over 90% of misted double glazing sealed units are south-east to south-west facing due to the fact that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, providing the greatest change in daily temperature. The increased temperature heats the sealant around the perimeter of the double glazing unit, allowing the two panes of glass to move or slip over a period of time.
In the winter months where the outside temperature drops significantly, this can cause condensation on the internal surface of the double glazing due to the increased gap between internal and external temperature. This causes the glass surface to be much colder than the room temperature and the cloudy window is formed. But again, this does not mean you need the whole unit replaced, simple just the glass replacement service will suffice, and with a new seal, this is a simple and affordable replacement service.
Other common reasons for blown double glazing include:
- Lack of ventilation in frequently humid rooms. This could be your utility room, with steam from the tumble-dryer getting trapped inside the window
- Installer error can be a common cause of blown windows
- Lack of window maintenance and care for the seal

Replace Your Double Glazing Today!

Remove Mist From Double Glazing!
Why Replace your Double Glazing?
Free upgrade to the very latest energy saving glass - reducing heat loss by up to 75%.
Replacing double glazing for over 30 years.
Fast turnaround Window SOS!
Try this simple experiment
Put the palm of your hand on the window or door frame, count to ten, then place the palm of your hand on the glass. You will instantly feel the glass is much colder.
So what needs to be done? Put simply the glass temperature needs to be raised. This can be achieved by installing our 'A' Rated energy efficient units utilising warm edge spacer bar technology combined with low emission glass and argon gas between the panes of glass.
We have had considerable success in greatly reducing condensation and in many instances completely stopping condensation occurring.
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About Window SOS
Whether your windows need a simple window replacement service or you need a full set of new double glazing, Window S.O.S has the experience and the products to help you!

Over 35 Years Experience In Double Glazing Glass Replacement
Window S.O.S are fully experienced in all aspects of double glazing glass replacement and maintenance.

FREE Upgrade to 'A' Rated Energy Efficient Double Glazing.
Compared to standard window units, our energy-efficient, Insulating, double glazed units can reduce heat loss by up to 75%.

10 Year Guarantee!
Our double glazed units are covered by a 10 year manufacturers guarantee for peace of mind.

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