Do You Need Window Glass Replacement In Sutton Coldfield?
Published: Monday 23rd August, 2021
Our window glass replacement service is our speciality, so we know too well how easy it is for people of Sutton Coldfield to prioritise other parts of their home before considering window glass replacement. It’s a pity that this occurs, but we’d be out of the job otherwise!
As a homeowner in Sutton Coldfield, you’ve experienced the harsh face of cold weather in the UK numerous times. The efficiency of your home and the quality of the overall foundations of your property can become compromised if you fail to care for the essentials – and this goes for your double glazing too. Upkeep of double glazing efficiency is vital throughout the entire year, not just the winter – so you’ll be faced with a number of issues if you don’t maintain your property to the recommended standard.
With the demands of modern life, it’s often that tasks like fixing blown double glazing fly out the window when something more important comes along. Most people who have a draft in their home won’t consider repairing it until the cold weather arrives – when they need it the most. So it’s little wonder that winter is our busiest time of year for window glass replacement in Sutton Coldfield!

Why Would I Need Window Glass Replacement?
A blown window unit is not only unsightly and unavoidable (with time) – but is a very common cause of draughts. But by replacing the entire frame, you’ll be forking out more than you really need to. But what are the main reasons for blown windows in the first place?
1. Damaged Window Seal
Not keeping the window seal in a clean and healthy state is likely to cause a build-up of unwanted dust, dampness and mildew if you don’t give it a wipedown every now and again, ensuring it’s kept dry. A slow pressure on the air-tight seal causes a tiny crevice to form after time. This tiny piece of damage can cause a large enough volume of humid air to make its way inside your window, causing it to become fogged up.
Cleaning the seal regularly is cheaper than frequent window glass replacement, and is much more affordable than deciding to replace the frame. But those who specialise in frame maintenance/replacement – won’t be as cautious when it comes to fitting the actual glass panes. Which brings us onto the common cause!
2. Installer Error
Whether the homeowner is subject to our latter point regarding the other kinds of window servicemen, then this could be the main factor. Quite often you’ll be happy with the appearance of a fresh set of windows, without releasing the minuscule error, slowly growing into a much bigger issue.
Avoid choosing a company that doesn’t specialise in window glass replacement, and always check the reviews. Don’t go with a company that has just a small number of reviews, as this could just be a sole trader who helps out friends and family, and don’t look for the handy-man glazer you found on Facebook. Choose a specialist company like Window SOS who have around 500 positive reviews on checkatrade, and provides a 10-year guarantee!

3. Lack Of Condensation Control
Controlling the movement of warm humid air is important when trying to reduce the need for window glass replacement. If your seal is damaged then the warm air is going to naturally gravitate to this colder area of the room and make its way towards the damaged seal. When this is the case, you should try and improve the level of control, by using a trickle vent in your bathroom or nearby rooms, humid rooms like the utility when the dryer is being used. For your kitchen, the dishwasher may cause steam in the air, and so could your boiling pots and pans – in this case ensure you open the windows or use your extractor fan!

Window Glass Replacement In Sutton Coldfield
As your local glazing experts with 30 years experience providing window glass replacement in Sutton Coldfield, you can trust that our knowledge outweighs your average handyman by far, so to avoid needing window glass replacement, then we suggest you take note of our advice in this article!
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Why Choose Window S.O.S
We specialise in all types of window repairs, from double glazed units with condensation or misted on the inside, to faulty locks handles or hinges. We pride ourselves on our excellent service and customer feedback score.
Over 30 Years of Glazing Industry Experience
Window S.O.S are fully experienced in all aspects of glass & glazing repairs and maintenance.
FREE upgrade to 'A' Rated Energy Efficient Glass.
Compared to standard glass units, our energy-efficient, Insulating, double glazed units can reduce heat loss by up to 75%.
10 Year Guarantee
Our double glazed units are covered by a 10 year manufacturers guarantee for peace of mind.
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